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Kochie reveals his tips for Brighter Super members to achieve financial security at recent events

28 May 2024

More than 1,100 Brighter Super members have attended the fund’s latest round of seminars to hear special guest David ‘Kochie’ Koch reveal his top tips for financial security which includes seeking financial advice to better plan for the future.

The former host of the Seven Network’s Sunrise breakfast show joined Brighter Super Chief Executive Officer Kate Farrar and Chief Investment Officer Mark Rider for a range of seminars and webinars in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast in recent weeks.

The message to members was simple: receiving professional financial advice helped people achieve better retirement outcomes.

“Kochie has been received very well by the members,’’ Ms Farrar said. “His attendance increased the numbers at the in-person events and the number of members intending to receive advice following the events was up 57%.”

Kochie’s Finance Tips

Mr Koch outlined ten key habits which could make a huge difference to members’ finances.

Some of these were: avoid retail pricing, pay down debt aggressively, demand better service and pricing from banks, avoid auto-renewals, seek additional income sources, assess your true needs before spending and seek expert financial advice for informed decision-making.

For couples he also suggested making time for a monthly 15 minute ‘partner’ check-in to make sure they were on the same page financially.

They could agree on prioritising wants and needs, developing a household budget, outline financial stresses (which could be different for each partner), and set financial habits both partners agreed on.

“It was excellent,’’ one Brighter Super member said on the seminar. “It was practical and very informative.’’

Another said: “it was a pleasure to listen to him talk in person. He speaks in a manner which makes matters very easy to understand.’’

Mr Koch said only 30%* of Australians retired as planned while most people found retirement thrust on them due to unexpected events, such as retrenchment, illness or injury.

The seminar also covered how relying solely on the Superannuation Guarantee for retirement might not be enough to meet their needs.

This meant planning for the future and considering making extra contributions to super were vital steps in ensuring a comfortable retirement.

Mr Rider said the fund had performed strongly over the past 18 months despite rising interest rates and a mixed global growth story.

Ms Farrar highlighted the strong performance of Brighter Super’s MySuper option which was the best performing Queensland industry fund in the 12 months to 31 December 2023 with a 10.40% return1.

Stay informed with Kochie

For more details on upcoming events visit 

View our events highlights video from our recent seminars here: Events highlights video



1 For MySuper and Brighter Super options, returns are reported on a basis of unit prices and are net of investment fees and costs and transaction costs, net of taxes, and net of the percentage-based administration fee (accrued in the unit price). 

*Source: Colonial First State Survey, 2023