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Super contributions

Even small extra amounts paid into your super now could give you tax benefits and make a big difference to your retirement payment.

Most wage and salary earners already receive super payments from their employer through Superannuation Guarantee (SG) contributions. Those payments, which are currently 11.5% (for financial year 2024/2025) of ordinary income, can go a long way towards building a lump sum to help fund your retirement.

But there are other ways to put money into your super including from your pre-tax salary (sometimes called salary sacrifice), your after-tax income, or as a spouse contribution. Your Brighter Super Accumulation account is flexible, so you can make regular payments or lump sum contributions – with no entry or exit fees.

Let's Learn

If you are employed, your employer will already be contributing into your superannuation. If you can afford it, there are several ways to make additional contributions and grow your retirement savings.

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Salary sacrifice

By arranging with your employer to pay extra into super you could pay less income tax and help your super grow faster.

Learn how salary sacrifice works

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Personal contributions

Anybody aged under 75 can make personal contributions to super either as a lump sum or regular payments. Most people can also claim a tax deduction for their contribution.

Learn about personal contributions

personal contributions

Spouse contributions

You can help your partner grow their super by making a spouse contribution. Depending on your income, you may also benefit from a tax offset.

Learn about spouse contributions

mature couple

Help for low-income earners

Lower income earners may qualify for a $500 income tax offset. There’s also a government co-contribution of up to $500 for lower income earners who make personal contributions to super.

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Downsizer super contributions

From 1 January 2023, people aged 55 and over have been able to make a contribution to super of up to $300,000 from the proceeds of selling their home.

Learn about downsizer contributions

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Saving for a first home

The First Home Super Saver (FHSS) Scheme lets you use your Brighter Super account to help grow a house deposit. Under the scheme, you can contribute up to $50,000 to super and later withdraw the contributions to put towards the deposit on a home

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Contribution limits

There are tax concessions for putting money into super, but only up to certain limits, called caps. 

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Get some advice on extra contributions

Like to learn more about your super contribution options and what they mean for your personal situation? Let us know and one of our advisers will be in touch.
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Consolidate your super

Save on fees and hassles by bringing all your accounts across to Brighter Super.

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Crunch the numbers

Use our retirement income calculator to get an idea of your future finances.

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Our super seminars

We run free seminars on a range of topics right across Queensland.