Based on your responses, your tolerance towards risk is: Medium to high
What type of superannuation investor are you?
Click on another section in the risk scale to see different investor profiles.
Investment goals
You want to preserve the capital value of the super you have built up and protect your balance from any losses.
Dealing with market volatility
You're generally not prepared to accept negative returns.
Return versus risk
You generally choose an investment option that includes a very high proportion of risk-controlling assets. These types of investments are lower risk by nature, such as cash and fixed interest.
Timeframe for investing
You usually have short or very short investment timeframes.
Click on another section in the risk scale to see different investor profiles.
What type of superannuation investor are you?
Investment goals
You're seeking modest returns for your super over time and are fairly averse to any significant fluctuations over the short term.
Dealing with market volatility
You want to limit the extent of possible capital losses to your super from negative returns in the short term.
Return versus risk
You generally choose an investment option that includes more risk-controlling assets (such as cash and fixed interest) than return-seeking assets (such as shares and property). Risk-controlling assets are lower risk by nature, and generally result in lower long-term returns than return-seeking assets.
Timeframe for investing
You usually have short to medium investment timeframes.
Click on another section in the risk scale to see different investor profiles.
What type of superannuation investor are you?
Investment goals
You're seeking a balance between higher returns for your super over a period of time and possible short-term losses arising from some lower or negative returns.
Dealing with market volatility
You're prepared for some short-term losses arising from lower returns.
Return versus risk
You generally choose an investment option that includes a fairly equal combination of return-seeking assets (such as shares and property) and risk-controlling assets (such as cash and fixed interest).
Timeframe for investing
You usually have medium investment timeframes of at least 4 years.
Click on another section in the risk scale to see different investor profiles.
What type of superannuation investor are you?
Investment goals
You're seeking higher returns from your super and are prepared to accept fluctuations in returns.
Dealing with market volatility
You're prepared for possible short-term losses to your super balance arising from lower or negative returns.
Return versus risk
You generally choose investment options for your super that include more return-seeking assets (such as shares and property) than risk-controlling assets (such as cash and fixed interest). Return-seeking assets generally achieve higher investment returns over long periods but have a greater chance of negative returns over short periods.
Timeframe for investing
You usually have medium to long investment timeframes.
Click on another section in the risk scale to see different investor profiles.
What type of superannuation investor are you?
Investment goals
You're seeking to maximise returns from your super over the long term.
Dealing with market volatility
You're prepared to accept lower or negative returns in the short term for the chance to increase your long term returns.
Return versus risk
You generally choose an investment option that includes a high proportion of return-seeking assets such as shares and property. Return-seeking assets generally achieve higher investment returns over long periods but have a greater chance of negative returns over short periods.
Timeframe for investing
You usually have longer investment timeframes of at least 7 years.
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