Phone 1800 444 396
Post GPO Box 264, Brisbane QLD 4001

Manage my pension account

You may have stopped working but your super hasn’t. With Brighter Super we’ll help you get the most from your retirement savings and make managing your super simple.

Change your pension details

You can let us know if you want to change how much you receive each pension payment, how often you receive these payments or where you want your payment to go. In fact changing your pension details is easy!

Change your pension details

man browsing online

Nominate a beneficiary

Have you thought about what might happen to your super benefit when you die? You can tell us where you’d like your money to go by nominating a beneficiary.

Nominate a beneficiary

grandfather with beneficiary

Add to your pension

Superannuation legislation prevents you from adding money to your Pension account but there are things you can do if you think you’ll need to add money to your pension.

Find out how to add to your Pension account


Add to your spouse’s super

Depending on your spouse’s age and employment you may be able to contribute to your spouse’s super.

Add to your spouse's super

mature couple going travelling

Pension payment dates

To help keep track of your pension payments for the financial year, you can refer to our list of pension payment dates.

View pension payment dates

Minimum pension payments

The Australian Government sets a minimum pension drawdown rate that is based on your age at the time of opening your Pension account, and then on 1 July each year.

View minimum drawdown rates

Get some advice on retirement

Like to learn more about how to make the most of your pension account? Let us know and one of our advisers will be in touch.
Get in touch
fingers typing

Switch investment options

Changing how your super is invested is simple, and comes at no cost.

retirement income calculator

Crunch the numbers

Use our retirement income calculator to get an idea of your future finances.

investment performance

Check your performance

Member online makes it easy to see the level of return your super's providing.