Phone 1800 444 396
Post GPO Box 264, Brisbane QLD 4001

Unit prices for the following options are net of administration fees and net of investment fees, transaction costs and taxes (where applicable) from inception date to 30 May 2024: MySuper, Indexed Balanced, Secure, Australian Shares, Property, Fixed Interest and Cash. From 31 May 2024 the unit prices for these options are net of investment fees, transaction costs and taxes (where applicable) and gross of administration fees. For all other options unit prices are net of investment fees, transaction costs and taxes (where applicable) and gross of administration fees across all time periods.

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public seminars

Learn about super

We offer a range of ways for you to get more clued up on what super’s all about.

council surveyor

Find lost super

There’s lots of unclaimed super floating around and some of it could be yours.

using the investments tool

Investment options

Whatever your risk profile, we have an investment option to suit you.