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Post GPO Box 264, Brisbane QLD 4001

Investment options

Our MySuper option is the default investment option for members with a Brighter Super Accumulation account who have not made an investment choice. This option is not available to pension or defined benefit members.

Set the right strategy

Everyone’s situation and needs are different, so having a range of choices available is always a good thing. That’s exactly what you’ll get with our investment options – a variety of approaches, all designed to help you achieve the results you’re looking for.

Some options are more conservative and less prone to ups and downs, while others are more predictable but may not deliver high returns. Whatever it is you’d like your super to do, it’s important you have a clear goal and develop an investment strategy to help you reach it. And you can always switch investments anytime at no cost.

Your default options

If you have a Brighter Super Accumulation account and have never made an investment choice yourself, your super will be invested in our MySuper option.

If you’re a pension member and don’t make a choice, your money is invested in the Balanced option (if you’re under age 75) or the Conservative Balanced option (if you’re 75 and over).


MySuper - Our simple, low cost default investment option for members with a Brighter Super Accumulation account.

Ready-made Multi-manager options

  • Growth - Those seeking high returns and prepared to accept likely significant fluctuations over shorter periods.

  • Balanced - Those seeking high returns and prepared to accept likely significant fluctuations over shorter periods.

  • Conservative Balanced - Those seeking moderate returns and prepared to accept likely significant fluctuations over shorter periods.

  • Indexed Balanced - Those seeking high returns and prepared to accept likely significant fluctuations over shorter periods.

  • Stable - Those seeking moderate returns and prepared to accept likely modest fluctuations in returns over shorter periods.

  • Secure - Those wanting to stay ahead of inflation and who are generally averse to fluctuations in returns over shorter periods.

Single asset class options

  • International Shares - Those seeking high returns from international shares only, or those wanting to build their own investment strategy when combined with other single asset class options. Prepared to accept likely significant fluctuations in returns over shorter periods.

  • Australian Shares - Those seeking high returns from Australian shares only, or those wanting to build their own investment strategy when combined with other single asset class options. Prepared to accept likely significant fluctuations in returns over shorter periods.

  • Property - Those seeking high returns from a diversified property portfolio only, or those wanting to build their own investment strategy when combined with other single asset class options. Prepared to accept likely significant fluctuations in returns over shorter periods.

  • Diversified Fixed Interest - Those seeking modest returns from diversified fixed interest only, or those wanting to build their own investment strategy when combined with other single asset class options. Prepared to accept likely modest fluctuations in returns over shorter periods.

  • Cash - Those seeking consistent returns on their money in the short term with minimal to low fluctuations in returns over shorter periods, even if that return is low and doesn't keep pace with inflation.

These investment options are closed and no longer open to new members:

Energy Super Capital Guarantee, Energy Super Smoothed Return and Asteron Traditional Capital Guaranteed Fund.

Compare investment options

With so many options to choose from, it can be a little tricky to see how they stack up against each other. We give you a comparison of all our investment options so you can make an informed decision.

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Switch investments

Because our lives and our needs are constantly changing, we make it easy for you to change your investment options. It’s a straightforward process and comes at no extra cost.

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Investment risk profiler

What type of investor are you? Use our simple tool to get an idea of how much risk you're comfortable taking when it comes to investing in your super.

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alternative assets

Let's Learn

The choices you make around your superannuation investments now can make a difference to your financial situation in retirement. When choosing your investment options, consider your age, how comfortable you are with risk, and how long before you can access your funds.

Start learning

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Organise advice today

The best way to learn about improving your personal situation today and in the years ahead is to talk to our friendly and experienced financial advice team.

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