Phone 1800 444 396
Post GPO Box 264, Brisbane QLD 4001

Insurance cover available to you

Most Brighter Super members automatically receive insurance cover as part of their membership, subject to conditions.

This cover could help you meet your financial obligations if you become unable to work due to sickness or injury.


Having insurance through Brighter Super means:

  • You could receive a minimum level of cover without needing to apply or show evidence of good health.
  • Insurance premiums are automatically deducted from your super account, so you won’t have to use your take-home pay for these fees.

What we offer

The insurance benefits you automatically receive depend on factors such as your age, when you joined Brighter Super, and how you’re employed.

Here is a summary of the types of death, disability and terminal illness benefits we offer our members:

Type of cover Details
Death, Terminal Illness and Total and Permanent Disablement

A one-off lump-sum payment of the money in your superannuation account, plus any insurance cover upon your death, diagnosis of a terminal illness or if you are totally and permanently disabled due to sickness or injury.

Death and Terminal Illness

A one-off lump sum payment of the money in your superannuation account, plus any insurance cover upon your death or diagnosis of a terminal illness.

Standard Income Protection - Local Government & Associated Industries

A benefit of up to 75% of your monthly salary paid to you for up to two years to replace part of your income if you become totally or partially disabled due to sickness or injury. Benefits are payable monthly in arrears after a waiting period.

Standard Income Protection - Energy Industry

This cover pays the lesser of 80% of your income or the level of cover you received automatically or applied for, if you become totally or partially disabled due to sickness or injury, for a period of up to 2 years. A superannuation benefit is also payable into your account equal to the lesser of 10% of income or 10% of the benefit level for which you are insured. Benefits are payable fortnightly in arrears after a waiting period.

Extended Income Protection - Energy Industry

This cover extends from Standard Income Protection with benefit payable up to age 65.

Income Protection - Corporate Offer

A benefit of up to 75% of your monthly salary paid to you for up to two years to replace part of your income if you become totally or partially disabled due to sickness or injury. Benefits are payable monthly in arrears after a waiting period. You may apply for an additional optional superannuation contribution component of 10% of your salary.

Please note: for Death, Terminal Illness, or TPD cover, any insurance proceeds received are paid into your account and invested in the Cash investment option.

Download the relevant Insurance guide for more information about insurance cover, including exclusions, increasing or decreasing your cover, and making a claim.

You can also use our insurance calculators to find out what level of cover might be best for you, and how much this will cost.

Find your level of cover with our insurance calculators

Let's Learn

Having insurance through superannuation can help protect you and your family against the unexpected. It’s important to understand how much insurance cover you have, and whether it is right amount for your personal circumstances.

Start learning

family gathering

Information on this page is focused on Accumulation accounts. 

If you have a Defined Benefit account your insurance cover is different – guides related to your fund are available on our Defined benefits page.

*98% of Energy Industry Income Protection claims approved in 12 months, from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023. Consider the TMD and PDS before deciding All claims are assessed on an individual basis under the terms and conditions of the policy applicable to the claim.

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We’re here to make things easy and help you get the most from your super so you can enjoy a better lifestyle in the years ahead.

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