Phone 1800 444 396
Post GPO Box 264, Brisbane QLD 4001


Our focus is on providing you with investment options that deliver solid, ongoing returns.

Tip: All options compared in the graph must have been offered from the start date of your chosen investment period to ensure a direct comparison can be made. For example, where an option starts later than another option, the initial $10,000 will be invested in that option over a shorter period of time, so a direct comparison is not possible.

If you would like to do multiple date searches, please reset the graph before applying another date range. Reset graph now.

  • Notes

    1. The values provided in the graph represent past performance only. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Investment returns are not guaranteed.
    2. Investment returns are net of investment fees, transaction costs and taxes (where applicable) and gross of administration fees.
    3. The figures shown in the graph are based on an initial investment of $10,000 at the start date of your chosen investment period, or at the option's commencement date if it launched after the start date of your investment period.
    4. If you would like to do multiple date searches, please reset the graph before applying another date range. Reset graph now.
    5. The values shown in the graph are based on unit prices which have been derived from each option's interim daily unit prices.
    6. The values of investment do not take into account any withdrawals or contributions.
    7. The following options launched 1 July 2011, with the exception of Indexed Balanced which launched on 6 April 2019:
      • Australian Shares
      • International Shares
      • Property
      • Diversified Fixed Interest
    8. The MySuper investment option launched on 1 May 2021. The cumulative investment return over 10 years is based on the option's predecessor products, MySuper under 75 and Diversified Growth.
    9. Please note that on 11 August 2022 the Brighter Super investment options for Transition to Retirement (TTR) Pension accounts were closed and replaced with the Brighter Super Accumulation options.
    10. Changes to fees, asset allocations, return targets and risk levels all play a significant role in the performance of each investment option. These factors are subject to change in the future.
    11. Each of our investment options has a different return target and risk level. When deciding how to invest your money consider your overall investment objectives, tolerance for risk and timeframe for investing.

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