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Add to my pension account

Superannuation legislation prevents you from adding money directly to your Pension account but there are things you can do if you think you’ll need to add money to your pension.

What are my options?

Consider the following options if you want to add money to your pension.

1. Close and restart a Pension account.

Once you’ve received your minimum pension income payment for the financial year you can close your Brighter Super Pension account and open another one with the remaining balance, plus any extra money from an existing Brighter Super account (such as an Accumulation account). You will need a minimum of $50,000 to start your new pension.

Simply complete the Brighter Super Pension restart form (P10).

2. Open an additional Pension account.

If you have a Brighter Super Pension account and money in a Brighter Super Accumulation account or with a different super fund you can open an additional Brighter Super Pension account without making any changes to your existing Pension account.

Simply complete the Brighter Super Pension application form (P01).

Get some advice on retirement

Like to learn more about how to make the most of your pension account? Let us know and one of our advisers will be in touch.
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