Phone 1800 444 396
Post GPO Box 264, Brisbane QLD 4001

Making extra contributions

It doesn’t matter whether you’re working, not working or self-employed, anybody under the age of 75 can make extra contributions to super.

Even if you’re already receiving Superannuation Guarantee contributions from your employer, topping up your super through extra contributions can make a big difference to your final benefit. You can make regular or lump-sum payments to your Brighter Super Accumulation account at any time without paying commissions or entry fees.

Once you turn 75, you can no longer make extra contributions.

Small change, BIG difference.

If you add just $20 each week to your super over 20 years you could boost your retirement savings by over $31,000!

Best of all, you would have only contributed $20,800 and earned over $10,000 in interest!


  • Investment returns of 7% p.a. (after fees and taxes)
  • Inflation (CPI) of 3% p.a.

Tax deductions

If you make extra contributions from your after-tax pay, you may be entitled to a tax deduction. So by making top-up payments, you could get a tax deduction now, and have more money to enjoy in retirement!*

Extra contributions from your after-tax pay for which you do not claim a tax deduction are called non-concessional contributions and are taxed differently. You can learn about the difference between concessional and non-concessional contributions here.

* If you're planning on claiming all or some of your contributions as a tax deduction, then you’ll need to complete a 'Notice of Intent to Claim' or 'Vary a Deduction for Personal Contributions' form.

Read more about tax on super

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BPAY: the easy way to top up your super

You can contribute extra amounts to your super through BPAY. Simply login to Member Online and view Bpay details to make a payment.

Log into Member Online to use the Bpay Generator

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Do you work for Queensland Local Government?

If you work for local government or some related businesses, you may be required to pay a percentage of your salary to super, in return for higher employer contributions.

Find out now

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Get some advice on employer contributions

Like to learn more about employer super contributions and what they mean for your personal situation? Let us know and one of our advisers will be in touch.

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Consolidate your super

Save on fees and hassles by bringing all your accounts across to Brighter Super.

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Use our retirement income calculator to get an idea of your future finances.

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