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Portfolio Holdings Disclosure


All superannuation funds are required to disclose the value and weighting of underlying assets within each of its investment options.

This is known as Portfolio Holdings Disclosure. It is a requirement for all superannuation funds following an amendment to the Corporations Act 2001. Each fund must update its disclosure every six months.

The aim of the Portfolio Holding Disclosure is to increase transparency and help you make informed investment choices for your superannuation.

Brighter Super’s Portfolio Holdings Disclosure

You can see how your superannuation is invested by clicking on your investment option below. You will have a choice of spreadsheets to download.

The information contained in each spreadsheet is current as at 30 June 2024.

For information on how the investments are valued, you can refer to Brighter Super’s valuation methodologies.

  • How to read the Portfolio Holdings Disclosure

    To help you understand this information, we have provided definitions below.

    Portfolio Holding Disclosure spreadsheets for each investment option are available to download on this page.

    Definitions for the spreadsheet column headings are provided below.

    For information about Brighter Super's investment options and asset classes, refer to our Investment Choice Guide – available for different accounts on our PDS and guides page.


    This is the asset class, under which similar types of assets are grouped together such as equities, fixed income and infrastructure.


    This is the asset holding name. The type of name provided will vary according to the asset class. Examples include an investment fund, infrastructure project, property, trust or custodian bank.


    This is only relevant for cash assets. It will display N/A for all other asset classes.

    Security identifier

    This only applies to assets which are listed and traded on a stock exchange, such as shares and bonds. The identifier is the unique reference number used to identify that asset on the stock exchange.

    There is no identifier for unlisted assets (which are not publicly traded), so N/A will be displayed.

    Units held

    This is the number of units or shares held in a particular asset. This information is not disclosed for cash or unlisted assets.


    This is the total value, in Australian dollars, of the particular asset.


    This is the percentage that the asset makes up of the fund’s total value.


Ready Made Options

Defined Benefit Options