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Investment update to 30 April 2024

Information for members with an Optimiser account

Published 27 May 2024

Global markets were generally down in April 2024 due to concerns about persistent inflation delaying interest rate cuts. However, share markets were bolstered over the quarter by strong corporate earnings, particularly from companies involved in Artificial Intelligence.

Brighter Super has delivered competitive returns during this period of uncertainty about interest rates and inflation.

Returns for our ready-made Multi-Manager options continue to be positioned in the top quartile for their categories in the SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey April 2024 for 1- and 5-year periods (Accumulation and Pension surveys)1.

Continuing the trend in recent months, highlights of our performance are:

  • For Accumulation accounts, SuperRatings ranked our Multi-Manager High Growth Fund and Multi-Manager Growth Fund as the highest-performing options in their categories for 5-years ended 30 April 2024.
  • For Pension accounts, SuperRatings ranked our Multi-Manager High Growth Fund as highest-performing option in its category for 5-years ended 30 April 2024, and our Multi-Manager Growth Fund as second highest-performing option in its category for the same period.

The table below shows returns for our ready-made options over the 1- and 5-year periods ended 30 April 20242.

Table: Ready-made options for Optimiser accounts
Investment option 1-year returns ended 30/04/2024 (%) 5-year returns ended 30/04/2024 (%)
Optimiser Accumulation options
Multi-Manager High Growth Fund 11.26% 9.15%
MySuper 7.83% 5.82%
Multi-Manager Growth Fund 9.61% 7.78%
Multi-Manager Balanced Fund 7.35% 5.75%
Multi-Manager Conservative Fund 5.49% 3.93
Optimiser Pension options
Multi-Manager High Growth Fund 12.62% 10.32%
Multi-Manager Growth Fund 10.87% 8.67%
Multi-Manager Balanced Fund 8.47% 6.44%
Multi-Manager Conservative Fund 6.47% 4.47%

Brighter together

From 31 May 2024, we are streamlining our investment options and improving our fee arrangements.

Visit to learn more about the changes and watch a short video featuring Brighter Super CEO, Kate Farrar and retirement advocate, David ‘Kochie’ Koch.

Market summary

During April 2024, major equity markets stayed focused on the likelihood and timing of anticipated interest rate cuts, but this didn’t eventuate.

Inflation plateaued in several regions worldwide during the March 2024 quarter, whilst some measurements of economic activity have pointed to a resilience in private demand such as consumer spending. This has raised concerns that Central Banks may be forced to maintain interest rates at current levels for longer.  

The MSCI World Index (hedged to AUD) fell 3.2% over the month, while Emerging Market equities gained 0.9% (unhedged).

US equities declined in April 2024, with the S&P 500 stock market index falling by -4.1%. Concerns about ongoing inflation potentially drove weakness in sectors such as Real Estate and Information Technology, which tend to be sensitive to higher levels of interest rates.

Regarding economic activity, annualised Gross Domestic Product growth in the US decelerated to 1.6% for the March 2024 quarter, which was well below forecasts.

In Europe, the MSCI AC Europe Index fell 1.2%, reflecting weaker sentiment in broader Developed Markets. Inflation expectations for the Eurozone have fallen recently, potentially paving the way for policy easing by the European Central Bank this year.

The Eurozone saw stable inflation, at 2.4%, in April 2024 (on an annualised basis). In contrast, UK equity markets were stronger, benefiting from a shift in investor sentiment to sectors such as Financials and Resources.

In Australia, the ASX300 stock market index fell -2.9%, with most sectors reporting declines. Only the Materials and Utilities sectors saw gains, with Utilities outperforming most other sectors. Inflation for the March 2024 quarter was higher than expectations, at 3.6% for the previous 12 months.

Persistent pricing pressures, particularly in services, have challenged the Reserve Bank of Australia’s  expected timeline for returning inflation to its target range.

The Fixed Income sector experienced volatility, with significant rises in government bond yields in both the US and Australia, reflecting investor concern over prolonged inflationary pressures and the potential for sustained higher interest rates.

The Australian Government 10-Year Bond Yield rose by 0.46% to 4.42%, and the US Government 10-Year Bond Yield increased by 0.48% to 4.68%.

The Australian Dollar appreciated against most major currencies, rising 0.5% against the Euro, 0.4% against the Great British Pound, and 3.5% against the Japanese Yen. However, the Australian Dollar fell 0.5% against the US Dollar.


  1. SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey, April 2024. Refer to for further information about these results, including how it calculates investment returns. The information is current as at the date of the SuperRatings Survey. Investment returns are only one factor to be considered when deciding whether to invest. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

    Categories that Brighter Super’s Multi-Manager investment options are ranked in are as follows:
  • For Accumulation options: Multi-Manager High Growth Fund is in the SR50 Growth (77-90) index, Multi-Manager Growth Fund is in the SR50 Balanced (60-76) index, Multi-Manager Conservative Fund is in the SR50 Capital Stable (20-40) index, and Multi-Manager Balanced Fund is in the Conservative Balanced (41-59) option type in the Accumulation Fund Crediting Rate Survey, March 2024.
  • For Pension options: Multi-Manager High Growth Fund is in the SRP50 Growth (77-90) index, Multi-Manager Growth Fund is in the SRP50 Balanced (60-76) index, Multi-Manager Conservative Fund is in the SRP50 Capital Stable (20-40) index, and Multi-Manager Balanced Fund is in the Conservative Balanced (41-59) option type in the Pension Fund Crediting Rate Survey, April 2024.
  1. For the MySuper option, returns are reported on unit prices and are net of investment fees and costs and transaction costs, net of taxes, and net of the percentage-based administration fee (accrued in the unit price). For investment options for Optimiser accounts, returns are reported on a basis of unit prices and are net of investment fees and costs and transaction costs, and net of taxes. Returns are gross of all administration fees and costs. Investment returns are not guaranteed. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.