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Investment update to 30 June 2024

Published 6 August 2024

Brighter Super’s investment options performed well in June 2024. This is the first month reporting on returns for our new single set of investment options, now available to all members.

Examples of returns for the year ended 30 June 2024 include1:

  • For Accumulation accounts: Growth returned 11.91%, Balanced returned 10.57% and MySuper returned 9.07%.
  • For Pension accounts: Growth returned 13.44 %, Balanced returned 11.92% and Conservative Balance returned 9.79%.

High SuperRatings rankings

Many of Brighter Super’s options achieved high rankings in SuperRatings’ June 2024 Fund Crediting Rate Survey, which is used to benchmark top-performing options across the Australian superannuation industry2.

  • Our Growth option was ranked as the highest performing option in its category for 5- and 7-years ended 30 June 2024, for Accumulation and Pension accounts.
  • Our Balanced option was ranked as the second-highest performing option in its category for 5-years ended 30 June 2024, and the highest performing option in its category for 7-years ended 30 June 2024, for Accumulation and Pension accounts.
  • Brighter Super had nine Accumulation options and eight Pension options in the top quartile of their categories for 5- and 7-years ended 30 June 20243.

Latest returns

The tables below show returns for all options over 1-, 5- and 7-year periods ended 30 June 20241.

Table 1: Investment option returns for Accumulation accounts
Investment option (Accumulation) 1-year returns ended 30/06/2024 (%) 5-year returns ended 30/06/2024 (%) 7-year returns ended 30/06/2024 (%)
MySuper 9.07% 6.13% 6.90%
Ready-made Multi-manager options
Growth 11.91% 9.08% 9.75%
Balanced 10.57% 7.71% 8.50%
Conservative Balanced 8.54% 5.69% 6.42%
Indexed Balanced 12.03% 7.21% n/a
Stable 6.79% 3.84% 4.66%
Secure 4.05% 1.88% 2.62%
Single asset class options
Australian Shares 11.82% 8.80% 9.06%
International Shares 16.91% 14.05% 14.32%
Property -8.24% 2.11% 3.87%
Diversified Fixed Interest 3.52% 0.29% 1.44%
Cash 4.17% 1.83% 1.90%
Table 2: Investment option returns for Pension accounts
Investment options (Pension) 1-year returns ended 30/06/2024 (%) 5-year returns ended 30/06/2024 (%) 7-year returns ended 30/06/2024 (%)
Ready-made Multi-manager options
Growth 13.44% 10.20% 10.98%
Balanced 11.92% 8.56% 9.49%
Conservative Balanced 9.79% 6.35% 7.21%
Indexed Balanced 12.86% 8.16% n/a
Stable 7.81% 4.34% 5.31%
Secure 4.44% 1.83% 2.75%
Single asset class options
Australian Shares 12.83% 10.13% 10.52%
International Shares 18.08% 15.48% 15.82%
Property -8.75% 2.44% 4.23%
Diversified Fixed Interest 3.98% -0.49% 1.08%
Cash 4.89% 2.10% 2.18%

To find out more about our year-end results, read the recent article on our double-digit returns. For detailed performance timelines, refer to our latest performance.

Market summary

Global equity markets delivered positive returns in June 2024, with the MSCI World ex-Australia Index rising by 2.3%. In the background, a generally softer tone to growth and inflation data in major economies revived market hopes for interest rate easing. Some central banks in developed economies have started rate-cutting cycles to support growth as inflation pressures ease.

The US equity market maintained its upward momentum, with the S&P 500 registering a 3.6% rise for the month. This rise was again narrowly led by the Technology sector, followed by Energy, Materials and Utilities sectors.

In Europe, the MSCI Europe index performance lagged other regions, falling 2.6% for the month. Markets were unsettled by European Parliamentary elections, resulting in a decisive shift to the right and leading to a snap election in France. European stocks were further pressured by lingering inflation concerns despite the European Central Bank (ECB) cutting its interest rate from 4% to 3.75% to spur economic activity.

Asian markets posted gains of 3.9% in June 2024, with Taiwan leading the region due to its significant technology exposure and Artificial Intelligence-linked sentiment. Indian equities rebounded after surprising election results tempered Prime Minister Modi’s political power. In contrast, Chinese equities fell 1.9% in June 2024 as investor sentiment and consumer spending remained weak despite government stimulus efforts.

The Australian equity market saw modest gains in June 2024, with the ASX 300 rising by 0.9%. The Financials and Consumer Staples sectors led the way, while the Materials sector underperformed. Compared to other major economies, Australia remains an outlier, with recent inflation data showing renewed signs of persistence. This prompted a shift in Reserve Bank of Australia’s bias towards further tightening, and it has maintained the cash rate at 4.35%.

It was a quieter month for bonds. The Australian 10-year government bond yield declined by a small margin to 4.31%, while the US 10-year government yield declined by a similarly small amount 4.37%.

The Australian dollar strengthened over the month against major currencies, appreciating against the Euro (+1.7%), Japanese Yen (+2.8%), U.S. Dollar (+0.4%), and New Zealand Dollar (+1.3%).


  1. Returns are based on daily unit pricing valuations and are net of external investment manager fees, net of taxes and gross of all Brighter Super administration fees for all performance periods.
  2. SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey, June 2024. Refer to for further information about these results, including how it calculates investment returns. The information is current as at the date of the SuperRatings Survey. Investment returns are only one factor to be considered when deciding whether to invest. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
  3. Categories that Brighter Super’s investment options are ranked in are as follows: Growth (Accumulation) option is in the SR50 Growth (77-90) Index, Balanced (Accumulation) is in the SR50 (60-76) Index, Growth (Pension) is in the SRP50 Growth (77-90) Index, and Balanced (Pension) is in the SRP50 (60-76) Index. Other options that were ranked in the top quartile for 5-years ended 30 June 2024 are in the following categories:
    • Accumulation: International Shares is in the SR50 International Shares Index, Conservative Balanced is in the SR25 Conservative Balanced (41-59) Index, Australian Shares is in the SR50 Australian Shares Index, Diversified Fixed Interest is in the SR25 Diversified Fixed Interest Index, Cash is in the SR50 Cash Index, Secure is in the SR25 Secure (0-19) Index, Stable is in the SR50 Capital Stable (20-40) Index.
    • Pension: Australian Shares is in the SR50 Australian Shares Index, International Shares SR50 International Shares Index, Cash is in the SR50 Cash Index, Conservative Balanced is in the Conservative Balanced (41-59) category, Indexed Balanced is in the Balanced (60-76) category, Stable is in the SRP50 Capital Stable (20-40) Index.


Brighter Super Trustee (ABN 94 085 088 484 AFS Licence No. 230511)("Trustee") as trustee for Brighter Super (ABN 23 053 121 564) ("Fund"). Brighter Super may refer to the Trustee or the Fund as the context may be. Brighter Super products are issued by the Trustee on behalf of the Fund. This article may contain general advice which does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. As such, you should consider whether it is appropriate in light of your own objectives, financial situation and needs prior to making any decision. You should consult a licensed financial adviser if you require advice which does take into account your personal financial circumstances. You should also obtain and consider the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) before making any decision to acquire any products. A Target Market Determination (TMD) is a document that outlines the target market a product has been designed for. Find the PDSs and TMDs at

This article contains information that is up to date at the time of publishing. Some of the information may change following its release. Any questions can be referred to Brighter Super by calling us on 1800 444 396 or by emailing us at